
There are some not desirable, mature stuff in this blog as gore/violence/some sexual themes.
All mature materials would be marked by its category.
So, please don't watch content that you don't like.

Also, almost all my works have relative to quicksand, sinking, etc.
So, if you like it too then welcome to here, otherwise please just ignore it.

And I am sorry for my bad knowledge of English. It's my foreign language.

Just enjoy this blog. ^^

Sunday, September 27, 2015

More Fun Quicksand Mod - 1.0.7 - RELEASE and MORE!

Release of new and finale version of mod MFQM!
Also I made big review about all new things:

I glad to present you new and finale version of my mod. Since 1.0.6 were added many things such as New oxygen system, huge amount of fixes, new swamp generation, full lang-file compatibles and new visual effect: Bubbles! ^^
Enjoy! ^_^

The link:

- Added options that controls ID for Mired Potion Effect
- Added new strings into lang-file
- Added Russian translation to mod (thanks to DmytroCT and CrishNate)
- Fixed bubbles under liquid
- Fixed too strong suction at Dense Webbing
- Some other little fixes

- Added separator of options - Muddy Air Data Watcher for players and Muddy Mobs Air Data Watcher for mobs.
- Fixed Mud harvesting
- Fixed Vore Slime swallowing mobs
- Fixed Mineral Clay harvesting
- Fixed fire spreading at Smelling Blossom and Wax Jungle Log
- Fixed to low damage from suffocation
- Fixed Data Watchers conflicts exceptions, again.
- Fixed Vanilla generations

- Added Mud generation
- Fixed Clay generation
- Fixed Frequency of Moss
- Fixed Quicksand lighting bug

- Hot-fix compatibility with The Twilight Forest
- Fixed Data Watchers conflicts exceptions.

Version 1.0.7:
- Added new oxygen system
- Added new visual effects
- Fixed Rope and Hooks "Suction" bug
- Fixed too low Rope's durability
- Fixed too low Suction bug
- Some fixes

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