Improved sinking mechanic which open even more ways for customization and make DQ more fun. Recalculating Struggling and Rescuing processes for better behaviour. Fixed a lot of bugs from the last version. Improved RP text system and fixed capital errors in text. Added new features like SafeWord and RescuingTeleport which could be combined or used separately. Also, for better appearance added visual churning/wobbling cover for the pits. Just rez it, set it correctly and use.
Have fun and enjoy ^^
Full description of the product V1.0:
Market Place:…
Feature of the Version 1.4:
- Bug fixes:
o Fixed falling through-sinking
o Fixed Role Play text mechanic
o Fixed spamming of the splash effects
o Fixed rescuing, in case of too close locating to the victim
- Improvements:
o Improved Struggling/Rescuing mechanic, much more flexible for using with different properties of the pit.
o Improved sinking mechanic:
* Added negative Buoyancy which controls sinking after reaching floating point.
* Added feature which allows victim walk across the pit without sinking (by high Thickness)
* Increased borders for Thickness, allows to create deadly pits, where any movement dangerous.
- Additions:
o Added SafeTeleport Addon which contains two feature in once:
* RescuingTeleport - useful device which appear after going under for easily getting out of the pit.
* SafeWord - feature which allows the victim stops sinking and get out from the pit immediately.
o Quicksand Cover - visual addition for the pit which create effect of wobbling/churning surface. Just rez it somewhere, fits texture size, or even edit script inside and have fun.
For everybody whom already bought this product all updates would come for free through "GetUpdate" Object. Attach it to self and wait before it would connect to Update Station. If it would get an error, please try again later, it's mean that there is some connection issues right now ^^
Here is showcase, with long enough introduction where Black found some peril for self X3
Special thanks to MitsunoKagami and Battlefoxx
so, about crackle cradle plus...